Specify the next point or : specify the endpoint of the first polyline segment. The current line width is: nn.nnnn(00.0000) Specify start point: select the starting point or enter its coordinates After invoking the PLINE command and specifying the start point, the following prompt is displayed: To draw a polyline, you need to invoke the PLINE command. You can draw rectangles by specifying two opposite corners of the rectangle, the area and the size of one of the sides, or the rectangle’s dimensions. You can draw a circle using six different tools, i.e., by specifying center and radius, by specifying center and diameter, selecting two diametrical ends, identifying three points on a circle, tangent to two objects, tangent to three objects.
CircleĪ circle is drawn by using the CIRCLE command. The LINE command can be stopped using ENTER, ESC, or SPACEBAR. You need to specify the line’s starting point by clicking the mouse, after which the system will prompt you to specify the second point. You can invoke the LINE command by choosing the LINE tool from the Draw panel, or you can also invoke the LINE tool by entering LINE or L at the Command Prompt. Here are the various AutoCAD Tools are given below 1.